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About Arkansas Right to Read Project

The Arkansas Right to Read Project is a nonpartisan, grassroots coalition working to stop censorship and defend the First Amendment rights of every Arkansan.

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News and Updates from Arkansas Libraries

Launching the Arkansas Right to Read Project

The Arkansas Right to Read Project is a nonpartisan grassroots coalition of concerned Arkansans working to protect the First Amendment rights of every Arkansan. Its purpose is to educate the public and oppose any current or future legislation, regulations, or executive orders that unconstitutionally infringe upon your First Amendment rights and intellectual freedom.

AR Libraries Prepare to Celebrate Take Your Child to the Library Day - February 1, 2025

On February 1, 2025, over 650 libraries across the US and Canada will celebrate Take Your Child to the Library Day. Now in its 14th year, this annual event is a wonderful opportunity for children to have fun while parents and caregivers learn more about their library. Take Your Child to the Library Day will showcase all the free resources local public libraries provide for families.

Interlibrary Loan: What Is It and Why Does It Rock?

In Arkansas, a statewide system known as Mockingbird connects catalogs of many participating libraries, bridging access to materials for patrons across the state despite different technologies and library processes. Arkansas is the 15th state to use SHAREit as its statewide resource sharingplatform.

Victory for the Right to Read in Arkansas

The Arkansas Right to Read Project leadership team is thrilled by the recent federal court ruling striking down the most contentious parts of Act 372 as unconstitutional. Judge Timothy Brooks’ decision is a monumental victory for intellectual freedom and the First Amendment, reaffirming that censorship has no place in Arkansas. This decision validates the hard work and commitment of advocates across the state, and it sets the stage for our next steps: the introduction of a “repeal and replace” bill, HB1086, in the 2025 legislative session.

SB81 was Never the Right Path for Arkansas

Arkansas has long been a state where the principle of “live and let live” has guided our way of life. Respecting differences and allowing individuals to make their own choices have been cornerstones of how we approach community and governance. SB81 / Public Act 372 disrupted this tradition, imposing the morality of a small group of activist legislators on the entire state and threatening the freedoms guaranteed to all Arkansans under both the U.S. and Arkansas Constitutions.

The Road Ahead: Repealing and Replacing SB81 with HB1028

The Arkansas Right to Read Project is excited to announce our full support for HB1028, a proposed bill for the 2025 legislative session that aims to repeal and replace the unconstitutional SB81 with a thoughtful, forward-looking law designed to protect intellectual freedom in Arkansas. As we celebrate a critical victory in the fight against censorship with the recent court ruling striking down parts of Act 372, our focus now turns to legislative action to ensure that Arkansas libraries remain places of exploration, learning, and intellectual growth.

Everything You Need to Support Your Public Library

If you're interested in supporting libraries in your community, we have the tools and resources you need to win.

Friends of Arkansas Right to Read Project